§ 34-10-1 - Lawful fences defined.

SECTION 34-10-1

   § 34-10-1  Lawful fences defined. –The following fences shall be adjudged to be lawful fences:

   (1) A hedge with a ditch shall be three feet (3') high uponthe bank of the ditch, well staked, at the distance of two feet and a half (21/2'), bound together at the top and sufficiently filled to prevent small stockfrom creeping through; and the bank of the ditch shall not be less than onefoot (1') above the surface of the ground.

   (2) A hedge without a ditch shall be four feet (4') high,staked, bound and filled, as a hedge with a ditch.

   (3) A post-and-rail fence on the bank of a ditch shall befour (4) rails high, each well set in posts, and not less than four feet and ahalf (4 1/2') high.

   (4) A stone wall fence shall be four feet (4') high, with aflat stone hanging over the top thereof or a good rail or pole thereon, wellstaked or secured with crotches or posts.

   (5) A stone wall without flat stones, rails or posts on thetop, shall be four feet and a half (4 1/2') high.

   (6) A woven wire fence of wire not less than number nine,firmly fastened to posts not more than sixteen feet (16') apart, constructed ofnot less than eleven (11) horizontal wires, the top wire not less thanfifty-four inches (54") from the ground, the bottom wire not more than twoinches (2") from the ground and with stays or uprights not more than six inches(6") apart.

   (7) All other kinds of fences not herein particularlydescribed shall be four feet and a half (4 1/2') high.