§ 33-7-7.1 - Disposition of documents intended as last wills and testaments in the possession of the probate courts.
SECTION 33-7-7.1
§ 33-7-7.1 Disposition of documentsintended as last wills and testaments in the possession of the probate courts. The several city and town probate courts within the state are hereby authorizedand directed to return all documents in their possession intended as last willsand testaments and accepted in accordance with the provisions of this chapteras follows:
(1) A notice, by certified mail, shall be sent to eachtestator, and/or person designated to receive the will upon death, includingthe drafting attorney, if known, at the last known address of each, indicatingthat the probate courts are no longer required to maintain custody of suchdocuments and that the documents are available for return upon execution of theappropriate receipt.
(2) The probate courts shall not be required to retainfurther possession of such documents for a period not to exceed twelve (12)months following the issuance of the certified mail notice.