§ 33-21.1-24 - Filing of claim with administrator.
SECTION 33-21.1-24
§ 33-21.1-24 Filing of claim withadministrator. (a) A person, excluding another state, claiming an interest in any propertypaid or delivered to the administrator may file with him or her a claim on aform prescribed by him or her and verified by the claimant.
(b) The administrator shall consider each claim within ninety(90) days after it is filed and give written notice to the claimant if theclaim is denied in whole or in part. The notice may be given by mailing it tothe last address, if any, stated in the claim as the address to which noticesare to be sent. If no address for notices is stated in the claim, the noticemay be mailed to the last address, if any, of the claimant as stated in theclaim. No notice of denial need be given if the claim fails to state either thelast address to which notices are to be sent or the address of the claimant.
(c) If a claim is allowed, the administrator shall pay overor deliver to the claimant the property or the amount the administratoractually received, or the net proceeds if it has been sold by theadministrator, together with any additional amount required by §33-21.1-21. If the claim is for property presumed abandoned under §33-21.1-10 which was sold by the administrator within three (3) years after thedate of delivery, the amount payable for that claim is the value of theproperty at the time the claim was made or the net proceeds of sale, whicheveris greater. If the property claimed was interest bearing to the owner on thedate of surrender by the holder, the administrator also shall pay interest at arate of five percent (5%) a year or any lesser rate the property earned whilein the possession of the holder. Interest begins to accrue when the property isdelivered to the administrator and ceases on the earlier of the expiration offifteen (15) years after delivery or the date on which payment is made to theowner. No interest on interest bearing property is payable for any periodbefore the effective date of this chapter.
(d) Any holder who pays the owner for property that has beendelivered to the state and which, if claimed from the administrator, would besubject to subsection (c) shall add interest as provided in subsection (c). Theadded interest must be repaid to the holder by the administrator in the samemanner as the principal.