§ 33-21.1-18 - Notice and publication of lists of abandoned property.
SECTION 33-21.1-18
§ 33-21.1-18 Notice and publication oflists of abandoned property. (a) The administrator shall cause a notice to be published not later than March1 at least once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of generalcirculation in the county of this state in which is located the last knownaddress of any person to be named in the notice. If no address is listed or theaddress is outside this state, the notice must be published in the county inwhich the holder of the property has its principal place of business withinthis state.
(b) The published notice must be entitled "Notice of Names ofPersons Appearing to be Owners of Abandoned Property" and contain:
(1) The names in alphabetical order and last known address,if any, of persons listed in the report and entitled to notice within thecounty as specified in subsection (a) of this section;
(2) A statement that information concerning the property andthe name and last known address of the holder may be obtained by any personpossessing an interest in the property by addressing an inquiry to theadministrator; and
(3) A statement that if proof of claim is not presented bythe owner to the holder and the owner's right to receive the property is notestablished to the holder's satisfaction the property will be placed in thecustody of the administrator and all further claims must thereafter be directedto the administrator.
(c) The administrator is not required to publish in thenotice any items of less than fifty dollars ($50.00) unless the administratorconsiders their publication to be in the public interest.
(d) This section is not applicable to sums payable ontravelers checks, money orders, and other written instruments presumedabandoned under § 33-21.1-4.