§ 33-19-13 - Laying out of roads and platting of land.
SECTION 33-19-13
§ 33-19-13 Laying out of roads andplatting of land. Probate courts shall also have the power to grant petitions of executors,administrators, or guardians for leave to lay out, make, or dedicate highways,streets, or gangways upon lands of the deceased or ward, and to plat thoselands into house lots, with streets, gangways, or open spaces: (1) in the caseof executors or administrators, as preliminary to the sales of lands of thedeceased, and (2) in the case of guardians, either as preliminary to the saleor as beneficial to the estate of the ward; provided, that no petition shall begranted except upon notice, as the court may require, and upon proof that theaction will be beneficial to the estate.