§ 33-18-8 - Judgment against fiduciary in continuation of action by or against decedent.

SECTION 33-18-8

   § 33-18-8  Judgment against fiduciary incontinuation of action by or against decedent. – If an executor, administrator, or guardian shall neglect to appear and takeupon himself or herself the prosecution or defense of an action, suit, orproceeding as provided in § 33-9-24, being duly notified thereof by orderof the court where the same shall be pending, or if, having appeared and becomea party thereto, judgment shall pass against the executor, administrator, orguardian, the court, subject to the provisions of § 33-11-44, may enterjudgment against the estate in the hands of the executor, administrator, orguardian, and the like process shall be had thereon as if the action, suit, orproceeding had been originally commenced against him or her in his or heroriginal capacity.