§ 33-16-17 - Notice of proceedings to veterans administration and others.
SECTION 33-16-17
§ 33-16-17 Notice of proceedings toveterans administration and others. At the time of filing in the court any account, a certified copy of the accountand a signed duplicate of each certificate filed with the court shall be sentby the guardian to the office of the veterans administration havingjurisdiction over the area in which the court is located. A signed duplicate,or a certified copy of any petition, motion or other pleading, pertaining to anaccount, or to any matter other than an account, and which is filed in theguardianship proceedings or in any proceeding for the purpose of removing thedisability of minority or mental incapacity, shall be furnished by the personfiling the same to the proper office of the veterans administration. Unless ahearing be waived in writing by the attorney of the veterans administration,and by all other persons, if any, entitled to notice, the court shall fix atime and place for the hearing on the account, petition, motion or otherpleading not less than fifteen (15) days nor more than sixty (60) days from thedate same is filed, unless a different available date be stipulated in writing.Unless waived in writing, written notice of the time and place of hearing shallbe given to the veterans administration office concerned, the guardian and anyothers entitled to notice, not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the datefixed for the hearing. The notice may be given by mail in which event it shallbe deposited in the mail not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the hearingdate. The court, or clerk of court, shall mail to the veterans administrationoffice a copy of each order entered in any guardianship proceeding in which theadministrator is an interested party.