§ 33-16-16 - Exhibition of securities and investments Filing of certificates.
SECTION 33-16-16
§ 33-16-16 Exhibition of securities andinvestments Filing of certificates. The guardian, at the time of filing any account, shall exhibit all securitiesor investments held by him or her to an officer of the bank or other depositorywherein the securities or investments are held for safekeeping, or to anauthorized representative of the corporation which is surety on his or herbond, or to the judge or clerk of a court of record in this state, or, uponrequest of the guardian or other interested party, to any other reputableperson designated by the court, who shall certify in writing that he or she hasexamined the securities or investments and identified them with those describedin the account, and shall note any omissions or discrepancies. If thedepository is the guardian, the certifying officer shall not be the officerverifying the account. The guardian may exhibit the securities or investmentsto the judge of the court, who shall endorse on the account and copy acertificate that the securities or investments shown to him or her as held bythe guardian were each in fact exhibited to him or her and that those exhibitedto him or her were the same as those shown in the account, and noting anyomission or discrepancy. That certificate and the certificate of an official ofthe bank in which are deposited any funds for which the guardian isaccountable, showing the amount on deposit, shall be prepared and signed induplicate and one of each shall be filed by the guardian with his or heraccount.