§ 33-14-2 - Charges and credits shown Investments.
SECTION 33-14-2
§ 33-14-2 Charges and credits shown Investments. Accounts rendered by an executor or administrator to the probate court shall befor a period stated therein, and shall charge the executor or administratorwith the amount of the inventory, or, instead the amount of the balance of thelast account rendered, as the case may be, and all income, all gains from thesale of personal property, and all other property received by him or her,although not inventoried, and all rents and proceeds of the sale of real estatereceived by the executor or administrator; the accounts shall credit allcharges, losses and payments, including legacies, distribution, and specificpersonal property delivered, and shall also show the investments of the balanceof the account, if any, and changes of investments, along with suchdocumentation verifying such investments as the court may request.
An executor or administrator who is represented by anattorney shall not be required to submit originals or copies of evidence ofcharges, losses and payments which appear on his or her account, except fordocumentation required pursuant to the provisions of § 33-14-8, but shallinstead include with any such account a certification substantially in the formset forth in § 33-14-2.2, signed by such executor or administrator and bysaid attorney. An executor or administrator who is not represented by anattorney or whose attorney declines to execute and submit such a certificationshall, in addition to such certification, submit to the probate court forinspection copies of the front sides of all checks or other documentsevidencing any such charges, losses and payments, unless specifically waived bythe court.
Provided, however, that the provisions of this section shallnot prohibit the probate court, on its own motion, from ordering the executoror administrator to submit originals or copies of evidence of the charges,losses and payments which appear on the executor's or administrator's account,in any case where the court deems such documentation necessary to its review ofsuch account.
As used in this section and in the remainder to title 33, theterm "attorney" shall mean an individual who is a member in good standing ofthe Rhode Island Bar Association.