§ 32-7-7 - Definitions.
SECTION 32-7-7
§ 32-7-7 Definitions. The following definitions are adopted for purposes of this chapter and for useby state and local agencies. In addition to standards established by localcodes and other laws of the state of Rhode Island and standards adopted byreference, the following definitions shall apply to recreational vehicle parksand campgrounds. Where differences occur between state and local definitions,this chapter shall govern:
(1) Accessory structure: A portable, deck-likestructure, not attached to the camping unit (see "add-on structure"), not toexceed four hundred (400) square feet in area, set on movable, above-groundsupports such as concrete blocks, and containing no plumbing or electricalfixtures.
(2) Accessory cabana: A portable room enclosure.
(3) Accessory storage: A structure located on acamping unit site that is designed and used solely for the storage and use ofpersonal equipment and possessions of the recreational vehicle user or camperand may include storage buildings and greenhouses not exceeding one hundredtwenty (120) square feet of floor area.
(4) Accessory uses: Offices, employee or operatorliving units, recreational facilities, grocery stores, convenience stores, giftshops, service buildings, rest rooms, dumping stations, showers, laundryfacilities, storage units, and other uses and structures customarily a part ofthe recreational vehicle park or campground operation.
(5) Add-on structures: Nonpermanent structuresattached to the principal camping unit that provide additional space or service.
(6) Approved: Acceptable by the "authority havingjurisdiction".
(7) ARVC: National Association of RV Parks andCampgrounds (ARVC). The national trade organization representing the outdoorhospitality industry.
(8) Authority having jurisdiction: The "authorityhaving jurisdiction" is the organization, office or individual responsible forapproving equipment, equipment installation, permits, or procedures.
(9) Awning: A shade structure supported by posts orcolumns and partially supported by the camping unit.
(10) Cabin/camping: A hard-sided tent or shelter lessthan four hundred (400) square feet in area that is on skid and/or wheelsdesigned to facilitate relocation.
(11) Cabin/housekeeping: A rustic cabin providingguests with full-serviced amenities as an alternative to other forms of rentallodging.
(12) Campers: A person or persons participating inrecreational vehicle use or camping.
(13) Camping unit: A portable structure, shelter, orvehicle designed and intended for occupancy by persons engaged in recreationalvehicle use or camping. The basic units include: recreational vehicles, campingcabins, housekeeping cabins, tents, teepees, yurts, and other rentalaccommodations for enjoyment of the outdoor experience.
(14) Camping unit seal: A camping unit meeting thecriteria set forth in either RVIA or RPTIA guidelines.
(15) Camping unit separation: The minimum distancebetween a camping unit, including its add-on structures, and an adjacentcamping unit and its add-on structures.
(16) Camping unit site: A specific area within arecreational vehicle park or campground that is set aside for a camping unit.
(17) Campground: Any parcel or tract of land under thecontrol of any person or organization, wherein two (2) or more camping unitsites are offered to the public or members of an organization for rent orlease. Campgrounds may or may not be designed to accommodate recreationalvehicles.
(i) Primitive: A campground where no facilities areprovided for the comfort or convenience of campers.
(ii) Semi-primitive: A campground where rudimentaryfacilities (privies and/or fireplaces) may be provided for the comfort andconvenience of campers.
(iii) Developed: A campground, accessible by vehiculartraffic, where sites are substantially developed; two (2) or more utilities,e.g.; sewer, water, electricity, etc., are provided; and refuse disposal andrestrooms are available.
(18) Day use: Daytime activities within a recreationalvehicle park or campground for less than a twelve (12) hour period. (See also"Site night").
(19) Density: The number of camping unit sites on aunit of land area.
(20) Greenbelt: A strip of land, containing landscapeor other aesthetic site-obscuring features, intended to buffer potentiallyincompatible uses. Greenbelts may include utilities and other undergroundfacilities but not camping units.
(21) Guest: An invited visitor to a recreationalvehicle park or campground.
(22) Gray Water: Discharge from fixtures, appliances,or appurtenances, in connection with a plumbing system which does not receiveany fecal matter.
(23) Minimum parcel size: The minimum land arearequired to accommodate a recreational vehicle park or campground.
(24) Occupancy: The presence of guest(s) in a campingunit for a site night where rent is received.
(25) Operator: The owner of a recreational vehiclepark or campground or his or her designee.
(26) Owner: The owner of a recreational vehicle parkor campground or his or her designee.
(27) Person: Any individual, partnership, firm,company, corporation, trustee, association, or any public or private entity.
(28) Planning commission: The advisory body of a localjurisdiction that has authority to advise elected decision makers of ajurisdiction on land use permits for recreational vehicle parks or campgrounds.
(29) Public water supply: A municipal, community, orprivately owned water supply system designed to distribute water to guestswithin a defined geographical area.
(30) Recreation area: A specific area of land, water,or a combination of land and water, located within a recreational vehicle parkor campground, and designed and intended for the use or enjoyment of guests ofthe recreational vehicle park or campground.
(31) Recreational vehicle: A vehicular type campingunit, not exceeding four hundred (400) square feet in area, certified by themanufacturer as complying with ANSI A119.2 or A119.5, and designed primarily astemporary living quarters for recreation that has either its own motive poweror is mounted on or towed by another vehicle. The basic units are: campingtrailers, fifth wheel trailers, motor homes, park trailers, travel trailers,and truck campers.
(i) Camping trailer: A recreational vehicle, notexceeding four hundred (400) square feet in area, that is mounted on wheels andconstructed with collapsible partial side walls that fold for towing by anothervehicle and unfold for use.
(ii) Fifth wheel trailer: A recreational vehicle, notexceeding four hundred (400) square feet in area, designed to be towed by amotorized vehicle that contains a towing mechanism that is mounted above orforward of the tow vehicle's rear axle.
(iii) Motor Home: A recreational vehicle, notexceeding four hundred (400) square feet in area, built on or permanentlyattached to a self-propelled motor vehicle chassis cab or van that is anintegral part of the completed vehicle.
(iv) Park trailer: A recreational vehicle that meetsthe following criteria:
(A) Built on a single chassis mounted on wheels; and
(B) Certified by the manufacturer as complying with ANSIA119.5.
(v) Travel trailer: A recreational vehicle, notexceeding four hundred (400) square feet in area, designed to be towed by amotorized vehicle containing a towing mechanism that is mounted behind the towvehicle's bumper.
(vi) Truck camper: A recreational vehicle consistingof a roof, floor, and sides designed to be loaded onto and unloaded from theback of a pickup truck.
(32) Recreational vehicle/dependent: A recreationalvehicle not containing sanitary facilities and/or devices for connecting suchfacilities to a community waste disposal system.
(33) Recreational vehicle/independent: A recreationalvehicle containing sanitary facilities and devices for connecting suchfacilities to a community waste disposal system. This type of recreationalvehicle is also referred to as a self-contained recreational vehicle.
(34) Recreational vehicle/gross trailer area: Thetotal plan area of the recreational vehicle, not to exceed four hundred (400)square feet (HUD Interpretive Bulletin 3282.8). Storage lofts contained withinthe basic unit that have ceiling heights less than five (5) feet at the peak ofthe roof do not constitute additional square footage.
(35) Recreational vehicle park: Any parcel or tract ofland under the control of any person or organization, wherein two (2) or morecamping unit sites are offered to the public or members of an organization forrent or lease, including park-owned recreational vehicles held out for rent.Recreational vehicle parks are designed primarily to accommodate recreationalvehicles (See also "Campground").
(i) Ownership/membership and specialty: A recreationalvehicle park or campground that is opened to members or owners only, or wherethe sites are individually owned. This category also includes recreationalvehicle parks or campgrounds that are owned by or cater to specific audiencessuch as religious groups, square dancers, and clothing optional clubs.
(ii) Destination: A recreational vehicle park orcampground containing facilities (e.g., swimming pools, restaurants, golfcourses, formal recreational programs, etc.) and catering to recreationalvehicle users or campers who typically travel extended distances to stay forextended periods.
(iii) Extended stay: A recreational vehicle park orcampground that provides extended stay, full-time, and seasonal accommodations,rather than short-term accommodations.
(iv) Senior adult: A recreational vehicle park orcampground for the exclusive use of senior individuals, fifty-five (55) yearsof age or older, that complies with the U.S. Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopment Fair Housing Act.
(v) Traveler: A recreational vehicle park orcampground where recreational vehicle users and campers stay for a day or aweek as an alternative to other types of lodging, while traveling orvacationing or enjoying the local attractions within a given area.
(36) Rent: Compensation or other consideration givenfor a prescribed right, use, possession, or occupancy of recreational vehiclepark or campground, as defined by the operator.
(37) Rental on-site: A camping unit placed within arecreational vehicle park or campground that is available for rental to guests.
(38) Recreational vehicle users: Individuals who userecreational vehicles, including, but not limited to, the following categories:
(i) Daily/overnight: Recreational vehicle users andcampers who stay for a day or a week, as an alternative to other types oflodging. Typically travelers, visitors, or tourists enjoying local attractionsin a given area.
(ii) Extended stay: Recreational vehicle users andcampers who stay in a given recreational vehicle park or campground for anextended period of time. The term "extended stay" generally describes thefollowing groups:
(A) individuals who choose a recreationally-centeredlifestyle and who stay in a specific location for a traditional season (seeseasonals, snowbirds, and sunbirds).
(B) individuals who choose a recreational vehicle as interimlodging, while transferring to a new locality or awaiting construction ofconventional housing.
(C) individuals who relocate frequently for employmentpurposes, and choose a recreational vehicle as lodging.
(D) individuals who choose a recreational vehicle as ahousing alternative for extended periods of time.
(iii) Full-time: Individuals who opt, because ofrecreational and/or economic benefits, to use their recreational vehicle astheir only or primary residence.
(iv) Seasonal: Individuals who typically leave theirrecreational vehicle at a specific recreational vehicle park or campground fora season and occupy their recreational vehicles from time to time during thatseason.
(39) Sanitary disposal station: A facility for theemptying of the waste holding tanks of recreational vehicles.
(40) Service building: A structure or portion thereofthat is used to house sanitary facilities, such as water closets, lavatories,and other facilities for the convenience of the recreational vehicle park orcampground guest.
(41) Sewage: Any liquid waste containing animal orvegetable matter suspension or solution, or the water-carried wastes resultingfrom the discharge of water closets, or any other source of water-carried wasteof human origin containing putrescible material.
(42) Shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement.
(43) Should: Indicates a recommendation, not arequirement.
(44) Site: That portion of a recreational vehicle parkor campground specifically intended for the use of one camping unit.
(45) Site night: The equivalent of one camping unitoccupying one site for one overnight stay whether occupied or not.
(46) Slideout: An extended portion of a recreationalvehicle that exceeds the allowable dimensions in the traveling mode.
(47) Utility connection assembly: A single hookupassembly located on the site and containing connections for any or all of thefollowing: water, sewer, electrical power, phone, or television.
(48) Watering station: A facility for supplyingpotable water to recreational vehicle users and campers.