§ 32-7-3 - Legislative intent and purpose.
SECTION 32-7-3
§ 32-7-3 Legislative intent and purpose. The legislative intent and purpose of this chapter are:
(1) To provide a safe environment in urban, rural, andwilderness settings that will accommodate the full range of camping unitsdesired by the consumer;
(2) To allow the greatest latitude in designing recreationalvehicle parks and campgrounds according to the desires of the recreationalvehicle and camping public, while protecting the health and safety needs ofthat public;
(3) To ensure that local government has the right and theduty to regulate zoning for recreational vehicle parks or campgrounds; and thatthe state has the right and the duty to regulate those building, plumbing, andfire protection elements for which national standards have been adopted underthis code;
(4) To meet the overall spirit of national codes adopted inthis chapter by reference. Where slight differences in wording occur betweenthis chapter and those of national codes, those differences are not intended tochange the public health and safety goals of the national codes, but rather tofoster consistency between code language and the terminology of therecreational vehicle park and campground industry and the recreational vehicleand camping public; and
(5) To provide rules, regulations, requirements, andstandards for the development of recreational vehicle parks and campgrounds inthe state of Rhode Island, for purposes of ensuring the following:
(i) Protection of the public health, safety, and generalwelfare;
(ii) Orderly growth and development, in conjunction withconservation, protection, and proper use of land;
(iii) Proper provisions for all public facilities; and
(iv) Appropriate local government control over the zoning andlocation of recreational vehicle parks and campgrounds in individualcommunities.