§ 32-7-14 - Administration and enforcement.
SECTION 32-7-14
§ 32-7-14 Administration and enforcement. (a) The local permitting authority shall be responsible for enforcingcompliance with the standards adopted in this chapter, during its review ofplans for the recreational vehicle park or campground. The arrangement of eachrecreational vehicle park and campground shall meet the specific approval ofthe chief of the fire department, forest ranger, warden, or other authorityresponsible for providing the necessary fire protection services. A site planshall be supplied to the fire and law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction.To facilitate the response by emergency services such as fire police andambulance, the sites plan shall indicate, at a minimum, the location of allcamping unit sites, major buildings and facilities, and water supplies for fireprotection purposes in the recreational vehicle park or campground.
(b) Every recreational vehicle park or campground shall berequired to obtain from the authority having jurisdiction a license to dobusiness. Such licenses shall be effective for a period of time to bedetermined by the local licensing board. The conditions of issuance of thelicense shall be that the recreational vehicle park or campground be inconformity with the appropriate health and safety regulations imposed by thestate of Rhode Island and the local authority having jurisdiction.
(c) It is the duty of each operator of a recreational vehiclepark or campground to maintain, at all times, registration receipts, signed byor for guests within the facility showing the dates upon which the sites wereoccupied by each guest.