§ 32-7-11 - Sanitary conveniences.
SECTION 32-7-11
§ 32-7-11 Sanitary conveniences. The following standards shall apply to recreational vehicle parks andcampgrounds. All sanitary conveniences shall be installed in accordance withthis code:
(1) Sewage facility approval: Each sewage disposal systemmaterial and design layout shall be approved by the authority havingjurisdiction.
(2) Material and design: Flow rates shall be calculated at arate of sixty (60) gallons per site per day for individually sewered sites.
(3) Sewer inlet connections at individual recreationalvehicle unit sites:
(i) When provided, the sewer connections for individualrecreational vehicle sites shall be located so as to minimize damage by theparking of recreational vehicles or automobiles.
(ii) The connection shall consist of an inlet extendingvertically to grade. The minimum diameter of the sewer inlet shall be four (4)inches and shall be provided with a four (4) inch inlet or a minimum three (3)inch fitting.
(iii) The sewer inlet pipe shall be firmly imbedded in theground and be protected against damage from heaving or shifting and theentrance of surface water. It shall be provided with a tight fitting plug orcap to be used when the site is vacant.
(iv) The sewer inlet pipe shall not be required to beindividually vented, regardless of the use of the traps at each inlet.
(v) A drain connector shall be sealed and fitted to thecamping unit inlet connector.
(4) Recreational vehicle sanitary disposal stations:
(i) One recreational vehicle sanitary disposal station shallbe provided for each one hundred (100) recreational vehicle sites, or partsthereof, that are not equipped with individual sewer connections.
(ii) Each station, where provided, shall be convenient toaccess from the service driveway and shall provide easy ingress and egress forrecreational vehicles.
(iii) Unless other approved means are used, each stationshall have a concrete slab with a center drain inlet located so as to be on thedriveway (left) side of the recreational vehicle.
(iv) The slab shall be not less than three (3) feet by three(3) feet, at least three and one-half (3 1/2) inches thick, and properlyreinforced, the surface of which is trowelled to a smooth finish and slopedfrom each side inward to a sewer inlet.
(v) The sewer inlet shall consist of a four (4) inch,self-closing, foot-operated hatch of approved material with a tight-fittingcover. The hatch body shall be set in the concrete of the slab with the lip ofthe opening flush with its surface to facilitate the cleansing of the slab withwater. The hatch shall be properly connected to a sewer inlet, which shalldischarge to an approved sanitary sewage disposal facility constructed inaccordance with ANSI A119.4 section 4-8.1.
(5) Holding tank flushing facilities: Where holding tankflushing facilities are provided by the operator, the following standards shallapply:
(i) Holding tank flushing facilities shall consist of pipedsupply of water under pressure, terminating in a valved outlet located andinstalled to minimize damage by automobiles or recreational vehicles. Theflushing device shall consist of a properly supported riser terminating atleast two (2) feet above the ground surface with a three-quarter (3/4) inchvalved outlet to which is attached a flexible hose.
(ii) The water supply to the flushing device shall beprotected from backflow by means of a listed vacuum breaker located downstreamfrom the last shutoff valve.
(iii) Adjacent to the flushing arrangement there shall beposted a sign of durable material, not less than two (2) feet by two (2) feetin size, and inscribed in clearly legible letters with the following: "DANGER NOT TO BE USED FOR DRINKING OR DOMESTIC PURPOSES" or other similarwarning.
(iv) There shall not be any cross-connection between theholding tank flushing facilities and the potable water system. If the flushingfacilities do not have a separate water source entirely, such facilities shallbe separated from any potable system by an air gap or a backflow device.
(6) Sanitary facilities:
(i) Toilets shall be provided at one or more locations inevery recreational vehicle park or campground, except at primitive andsemi-primitive campgrounds.
(ii) In recreational vehicle parks and semi-developed anddeveloped campgrounds, a minimum of one toilet shall be provided for each sexup to the first twenty-five (25) dependent sites. For each additionaltwenty-five (25) dependent sites, not provided with sewer connections, anadditional toilet for each sex shall be provided. No public toilets arerequired if all sites serve only self-contained recreational vehicles.
(iii) Chemical and recirculating toilets shall be of anapproved type.
(iv) Where provided, porta-johns shall be an approved type.
(v) Toilet facilities shall have convenient access and shallbe located within a five hundred (500) foot radius from any camping units notprovided with individual sewer connections.
(vi) If water flush toilets are provided, an equal number oflavatories shall be provided for each two (2) toilets, when more than six (6)toilets are required. Each lavatory basin shall have a piped supply of potablewater and shall drain into the sewage system.
(vii) If separate facilities are provided for men and women,urinals shall be acceptable for no more than one-third (1/3) of the toiletsrequired in the men's facilities.
(viii) Each female toilet room shall be provided with areceptacle for sanitary napkins. The receptacle shall be durable, nonpervious,and readily cleanable material and should be provided with a lid.
(ix) Toilets shall be of a listed type and shall be providedwith seats with open fronts.
(x) Each toilet shall be in a separate compartment and shallbe provided with a door and latch for privacy and a holder or dispenser fortoilet paper. Dividing walls or partitions shall be at least five (5) feet highand, if separated from the floor, shall be by a space of no more than twelve(12) inches.
(xi) Toilet compartments shall be not less than thirty (30)inches in width and there shall be not less than thirty (30) inches of clearspace in front of each toilet.
(xii) Each toilet building shall have a minimum ceilingheight of seven (7) feet.
(xiii) Facilities for males and females shall beappropriately marked, including "unisex" facilities, where provided.
(xiv) Unless artificial light is provided, the total windowor skylight area shall be equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the floor area.
(xv) Unless provided with a listed mechanical ventilationsystem, every toilet room shall have permanent, nonclosable, screenedopening(s) with a total area of not less than five percent (5%) of the floorarea, opening directly to the exterior in order to provide proper ventilation.Listed exhaust fan(s), vented to the exterior, the rating of which in cubicfoot per minute is at least twenty-five percent of the total volume of thetoilet room(s) served, shall be considered as meeting the requirements of thissubsection.
(xvi) All windows and vents opening to the outside shall beprovided with fly-proof screens of not less than No. 16 mesh.
(xvii) All doors to the exterior shall open outward, shall beself-closing and shall be visually screened by means of a vestibule or wall toprevent direct view of the interior when the exterior doors are open. Suchscreening shall not be required on single toilet units.
(xviii) The interior finish of walls shall be moistureresistant to a height of four (4) feet to facilitate washing and cleaning.
(xix) The floors shall be constructed of materials imperviousto water and shall be easily cleanable. Any toilet building having flushtoilets shall be provided with a floor drain in the toilet room. This drainshall be provided with a means to protect the trap seal as required by thiscode.
(7) Showers: Showers and shower dressing areas shall be builtto code. All shower compartments, regardless of shape, shall have a minimumfinished interior of one thousand twenty-four (1,024) square inches (0.66m2)and shall be capable of encompassing a thirty (30) inch (762mm) circle. Theminimum required area and dimensions shall be measured at a height equal to thetop of the threshold and at a point tangent to its centerline. Each showershall be designed to minimize the flow of water into the dressing area andshall be properly connected to the sewage system by means of a trapped inlet.
(i) If showers are provided, an individual dressing area,visually screened from view, shall also be provided with a minimum floor areaof thirty-six (36) inches by thirty-six (36) inches (0.9m by 0.9m) and suchdressing areas shall be equipped with a minimum of one clothing hook and onestool (or equivalent bench area).
(ii) The floor of showers and dressing areas shall have animpervious, skid-resistant surface.
(iii) Open showers provided exclusively for the removal ofsand, etc., following beach activities, need not comply with the provisions ofthis subsection.