§ 32-7-10 - Water supply standards.
SECTION 32-7-10
§ 32-7-10 Water supply standards. The following standards shall apply to recreational vehicle parks andcampgrounds:
(1) Potable water supply and distribution:
(i) The supply or supplies of potable water shall comply withthe applicable potable water standards of the authority having jurisdiction or,in the absence thereof, shall meet the intent of the Safe Drinking Water Act of1974 (public law 93-523 as amended (1986)) [42 U.S.C. § 300f etseq.].
(ii) Where the recreational vehicle park or campground hasits own water supply system, the components of the system shall be approved bythe authority having jurisdiction. Further, there shall be a source protectionbuffer area of at least two hundred (200) feet surrounding each such supply.
(iii) Potable water systems, if provided for fillingrecreational vehicle potable water tanks, shall be located at least fifty (50)feet from any waste disposal station. When such a system is provided, a sign ofdurable material, not less than two (2) by two (2) feet in area, shall beposted adjacent to the potable water outlet. Such sign shall be inscribed inclearly legible letters with the following: "POTABLE WATER NOT TO BE USED FORFLUSHING WASTE TANKS," or other similar warning. For the purpose of thissubsection, a potable watering system shall mean a tap and not the source.
(iv) The potable water system should be protected fromback-flow by means of a listed vacuum breaker located downstream from eachconnection.
(2) Water supplies for fire protection: Water supplies forfire protection purposes shall meet the requirements of the authority havingjurisdiction.
(3) Prohibited connections: The potable water supply shallnot be connected to any nonpotable or unapproved water supply.
(4) Potable water connections at individual camping unitsites: All wells, springs, and similar sources of water intended for potablepurposes shall be properly constructed, located, and protected to excludesurface contamination and to minimize the potential of contamination fromsanitary hazards.