§ 31-9-2 - Possession of stolen vehicle or parts.
SECTION 31-9-2
§ 31-9-2 Possession of stolen vehicle orparts. (a) Any person who, with intent to procure or pass title to a vehicle which heor she knows or has reason to believe has been stolen or unlawfully taken,receives or transfers possession of the vehicle from or to another, or who hasin his or her possession any vehicle which that person knows or has reason tobelieve has been stolen or unlawfully taken, and who is not an officer of thelaw engaged at the time in the performance of his duty as an officer of thelaw, is guilty of a felony.
(b) Any person who receives, barters, conceals, stores,sells, conveys, or disposes of stolen vehicle parts which that person knows orhas reason to believe have been stolen or unlawfully taken is guilty of afelony. Conviction for a second and for subsequent convictions under thissection may be punished by imprisonment for a term of not less than one yearnor more than ten (10) years, or by a fine of not more than ten thousanddollars ($10,000), or by both fine and imprisonment.