§ 31-7-1 - Right to operate on foreign registration.

SECTION 31-7-1

   § 31-7-1  Right to operate on foreignregistration. – (a) A nonresident owner, except as otherwise provided in §§ 31-7-2and 31-7-3, owning any foreign vehicle of a type otherwise subject toregistration pursuant to this title, may operate or permit the operation ofthat vehicle within this state without registering the vehicle in, or payingany fees to, this state subject to the condition that the vehicle at all timeswhen operated in this state is duly registered in, and displays upon it a validregistration card and registration plate or plates issued for that vehicle inthe place of residence of that owner.

   (b) Any foreign vehicle(s) parked or garaged overnight inthis state for more than thirty (30) days in the aggregate in any one yearwhich is owned and/or operated by a resident of this state as defined in §31-1-18 shall register the vehicle(s) and pay the same fee that is requiredwith reference to like vehicle(s) owned by residents of this state.

   (c) Any domiciled resident of this state who owns a vehiclewhich is registered in another state shall file an annual report with theadministrator of the division of motor vehicles of this state and with the taxassessor of the city or town in which the domiciled resident resides, statingthe make, model, year, and validation of the vehicle and the reason forregistering the vehicle in the foreign state. Failure to comply with the termsof this subsection shall be subject to a civil fine of not more than fivehundred dollars ($500) for every foreign vehicle. This provision shall notapply to military personnel assigned to duty outside of the state of RhodeIsland and for a period of thirty (30) days after discharge.