§ 31-52-1 - Definitions.
SECTION 31-52-1
§ 31-52-1 Definitions. (a) "Funeral director" and "funeral establishment" shall have the same meaningsset forth in chapter 5-33.2-1 of the general laws.
(b) "Funeral procession" means two (2) or more vehiclesaccompanying the body or the cremated remains of a deceased person, in thedaylight hours, including a funeral lead vehicle or a funeral escort vehicle.
(c) "Funeral lead vehicle" means any motor vehicle, includinga funeral hearse, properly equipped pursuant to this chapter, leading andfacilitating the movement of a funeral procession.
(d) "Funeral escort" means a person or entity that providesescort services for funeral processions, including, but not limited to, lawenforcement personnel and agencies.
(e) "Funeral escort vehicle" means any motor vehicle properlyequipped pursuant to this chapter and which escorts a funeral procession.