§ 31-47-9 - Penalties.
SECTION 31-47-9
§ 31-47-9 Penalties. (a) Any owner of a motor vehicle registered in this state who shall knowinglyoperate the motor vehicle or knowingly permit it to be operated in this statewithout having in full force and effect the financial security required by theprovisions of this chapter, and any other person who shall operate in thisstate any motor vehicle registered in this state with the knowledge that theowner of it does not have in full force and effect financial security, except aperson who, at the time of operation of the motor vehicle, had in effect anoperator's policy of liability insurance, as defined in this chapter, withrespect to his or her operation of the vehicle, may be subject to a mandatorysuspension of license and registration as follows:
(1) For a first offense, a suspension of up to three (3)months and may be fined one hundred dollars ($100) up to five hundred dollars($500);
(2) For a second offense, a suspension of six (6) months; andmay be fined five hundred dollars ($500); and
(3) For a third and subsequent offense, a suspension of up toone year. Additionally, any person violating this section a third or subsequenttime shall be punished as a civil violation and may be fined one thousanddollars ($1,000).
(b) An order of suspension and impoundment of a license orregistration, or both, shall state that date on or before which the person isrequired to surrender the person's license or certificate of registration andregistration plates. The person is deemed to have surrendered the license orcertificate of registration and registration plates, in compliance with theorder, if the person does either of the following:
(1) On or before the date specified in the order, personallydelivers the license or certificate of registration and registration plates, orcauses the delivery of those items, to the administrator of the division ofmotor vehicles or court, whichever issued the order;
(2) Mails the license or certificate of registration andregistration plates to the administrator of the division of motor vehicles, inan envelope or container bearing a postmark showing a date no later than thedate specified in the order.
(c) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles shallnot restore any operating privileges or registration rights suspended underthis section or return any license, certificate of registration, orregistration plates impounded under this section unless the rights are notsubject to suspension or revocation under any other law and unless the person,in addition to complying with all other conditions required by law forreinstatement of operating privileges or registration rights, complies with allof the following:
(1) Pays a reinstatement fee of thirty dollars ($30.00). Thereinstatement fee may be increased, upon approval of the administrator of thedivision of motor vehicles, up to an amount not exceeding fifty dollars($50.00).
(2) Files and maintains proof of financial security. Tofacilitate the administration of this chapter the clerk of the courts shallnotify the administrator of the division of motor vehicles of all personsagainst whom judgments have been entered arising out of a motor vehiclecollision.