§ 31-47-12 - Police officers and agents of administrator of the division of motor vehicles – Fees collected, forms of proof.

SECTION 31-47-12

   § 31-47-12  Police officers and agents ofadministrator of the division of motor vehicles – Fees collected, forms ofproof. – (a) For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter, every policeofficer of a state, town, or municipality is deemed an agent of theadministrator of the division of motor vehicles. Any police officer who, in theperformance of his or her duties as authorized by law, becomes aware of aperson whose license is under an order of suspension, or whose certificate ofregistration and registration plates are under an order of impoundment,pursuant to this section may confiscate the license, certificate ofregistration, and registration plates, and return them to the administrator ofthe division of motor vehicles. Any forms used by law enforcement agencies inadministering this section shall be prescribed by the administrator of thedivision of motor vehicles, the cost of which shall be borne by these agencies.No police officer, law enforcement agency employing a police officer, orpolitical subdivision or governmental agency that employs a police officershall be liable in a civil action for damages or loss to persons arising out ofthe performance of the duty required or authorized by this section. "Policeofficer" means the full time police from the rank of patrolman up to andincluding the rank of chief, including policewomen of any police department inany city or town within the state of Rhode Island or of the state police.

   (b) All fees, except court costs, collected under thischapter shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the highwaysafety fund in a special account hereby created, to be known as the "financialresponsibility compliance special account". This special account shall be usedexclusively to cover costs incurred by the division of motor vehicles in theadministration of this chapter, and by any law enforcement agency employing anypolice officer who returns any license, certificate of registration, andregistration plates to the administrator of the division of motor vehiclespursuant to this chapter.

   (c) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles,court, or traffic tribunal may require proof of financial security to bedemonstrated by use of standard form SR 22. If the use of a standard form isnot required, a person may demonstrate proof of financial responsibility underthis section by presenting to the court, traffic tribunal, or administrator ofthe division of motor vehicles any of the following documents or a copy ofthese documents:

   (1) A certificate of proof of financial responsibility;

   (2) A bond or certification of the issuance of a bond;

   (3) A certificate of deposit of money or securities; or

   (4) A certificate of self insurance.

   (d) At the time of investigation of a motor vehicle offenseor accident by a police officer or when a motor vehicle is stopped by a policeofficer for probable cause, the police officer making the investigation orstopping the motor vehicle shall ask for evidence of proof of financialsecurity as defined in this chapter. If the evidence is not provided, acitation to appear before the traffic tribunal shall be issued to the operator.However, any citation issued solely for failing to provide evidence offinancial responsibility shall be held by the issuing police officer or lawenforcement agency for at least one business day before submitting the citationto the traffic tribunal. Any operator who receives a citation for failing toprovide valid evidence of financial responsibility shall have the opportunityto provide evidence of financial responsibility that existed at the time of theviolation within the one business day period, at which time the issuing policeofficer or law enforcement agency shall withdraw the citation, and the motoristshall not be required to appear before the traffic tribunal. Notwithstandingthis provision, police officers who issue a citation for lack of evidence offinancial responsibility in addition to one or more other citations need notwait the one business day waiting period before submitting the citation forlack of evidence of financial responsibility to the traffic tribunal. Thetraffic tribunal may by rule and regulation prescribe the procedures forprocessing the citations. Motor vehicles may not be stopped solely for thepurpose of checking for evidence of proof of financial security.

   (e) Upon a first offense, one must provide proof of currentinsurance and a binder or release letter covering the cost of the accident, aslong as the accident does not include bodily injury, death, etc.

   (2) In addition, penalties do not release the motorist fromany pending matter before any other appropriate court.