§ 31-47.1-8 - Waiver certificate.
SECTION 31-47.1-8
§ 31-47.1-8 Waiver certificate. (a) A motor vehicle which, after inspection or re-inspection, fails to complywith the standards and criteria for motor vehicle emissions inspections shallbe eligible for a waiver certificate, provided that:
(1) The cost of emission related repairs performed exceedsthe repair cost limit. The cost of repairs may include the cost of emissionrelated repairs made after the inspection or the cost of emission relatedrepairs made up to sixty (60) days prior to the inspection. The cost of repairsshall not include any costs covered by an emission control performance warrantyor the cost to repair or replace any emission control system or mechanism whichhas been removed, dismantled or rendered inoperative. The repair cost limitshall be two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) in 1999, 2000, and 2001 and shallbe four hundred fifty dollars ($450) in 2002 and 2003. After 2003 the repaircost limit shall be four hundred and fifty dollars ($450) and shall be adjustedin January of each year by the percentage, if any, by which the Consumer PriceIndex for the preceding calendar year differs from the Consumer Price Index for1989; or
(2) A complete, documented physical and functional diagnosisand inspection, conducted by the department, shows that no additional emissionrelated repairs are needed.
(b) No person shall knowingly give false information to anAIRS or the department concerning the repair costs or repairs needed to bring amotor vehicle into compliance with the standards and criteria for motor vehicleemissions inspections.
(c) Any person may perform repairs on a vehicle in order tomeet the requirements of this chapter or chapter 38 of this title, except thatthe cost of repairs, including diagnosis, parts, and labor, to be applied tothe repair cost limit must be performed by a certified repair technician. Onlythe cost of parts may be applied to the repair cost limit if repairs areperformed by someone other than a certified repair technician.