§ 31-45-1 - Noise limits.
SECTION 31-45-1
§ 31-45-1 Noise limits. (a) No person shall operate a motor vehicle, nor shall the owner of any vehicleallow the vehicle to be operated, at any time, or under any condition of grade,load, acceleration, or deceleration, in such a manner as to exceed thefollowing noise limit based on a distance of fifty feet (50') from the centerof the lane of travel within the speed limit. For the purposes of this section,"dbA" means decibels measured with a calibrated sound level meter weighted tothe "A" scale.
(b) In speed zones of thirty-five miles per hour (35 mph) orless, not more than eighty-six (86) dbA. In speed zones of more thanthirty-five miles per hour (35 mph), not more than ninety (90) dbA.
(c) Violations of this section are subject to finesenumerated in § 31-41.1-4.