§ 31-44-8 - Notice required by law.
SECTION 31-44-8
§ 31-44-8 Notice required by law. The following notice must be given by the licensee to the tenant prior tooccupancy:
"The terms of your tenancy must be in accordance with theRhode Island Mobile and Manufactured Home Act, title 31, chapter 44. Section31-44-3 requires all the rules and regulations governing your tenancy to befair and reasonable. Unreasonable rules, or those not in compliance with §31-44-3, cannot be enforced against you.
"No licensee may offer a mobile and manufactured home or amobile and manufactured home space or lot for rent without showing to theprospective resident a copy of the written lease before the resident occupiesthat mobile and manufactured home space or lot. No licensee may rent a mobileand manufactured home or mobile and manufactured home space or lot until awritten lease has been signed by the resident and the owner. The term of thelease shall not be less than one year unless the resident requests, in writing,a term for less than one year, or requests in writing that he or she does notdesire a written lease.
"The licensee of this park shall not require you to dealexclusively with a certain fuel dealer or other merchant for goods or servicesin connection with the use or occupancy of your mobile and manufactured homelot unless that restriction is necessary to protect the health, safety, orwelfare of mobile and manufactured home residents in the park. If you arerequired to deal with a certain dealer or merchant, the price you pay for suchgoods or services may not be more than the prevailing price in this localityfor similar goods and services.
"An increase in fees or rent, nonrenewal of lease, refusal tooffer a lease, or termination of tenancy which is taken against you by alicensee as a penalty for reporting a violation of the Mobile and ManufacturedHome Act or of any applicable building or health code, or for any otherjustified complaint to a governmental authority is a reprisal and is prohibitedby law."