§ 31-36-20 - Disposition of proceeds.
SECTION 31-36-20
§ 31-36-20 Disposition of proceeds. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, all moneys paidinto the general treasury under the provisions of this chapter or chapter 37 ofthis title, and title 46 shall be applied to and held in a separate fund and bedeposited in any depositories that may be selected by the general treasurer tothe credit of the fund, which fund shall be known as the Intermodal SurfaceTransportation Fund; provided, that in fiscal year 2004 for the months of Julythrough April six and eighty-five hundredth cents ($0.0685) per gallon of thetax imposed and accruing for the liability under the provisions of §31-36-7, less refunds and credits, shall be transferred to the Rhode Islandpublic transit authority as provided under § 39-18-21. For the months ofMay and June in fiscal year 2004, the allocation shall be five and fivehundredth cents ($0.0505). Thereafter, until fiscal year 2006, the allocationshall be six and twenty-five hundredth cents ($0.0625). For fiscal years 2006through FY 2008, the allocation shall be seven and twenty-five hundredth cents($0.0725); provided, that expenditures shall include the costs of a marketsurvey of non-transit users and a management study of the agency to include thefeasibility of moving the Authority into the Department of Transportation, bothto be conducted under the auspices of the state budget officer. The statebudget officer shall hire necessary consultants to perform the studies, andshall direct payment by the Authority. Both studies shall be transmitted by theBudget Officer to the 2006 session of the General Assembly, with comments fromthe Authority. For fiscal year 2009, the allocation shall be seven andseventy-five hundredth cents ($0.0775), of which one-half cent ($0.005) shallbe derived from the one cent ($0.01) per gallon environmental protection feepursuant to § 46-12.9-11. For fiscal years 2010 and thereafter, theallocation shall be nine and seventy-five hundredth cents ($0.0975), of whichof one-half cent ($0.005) shall be derived from the one cent ($0.01) per gallonenvironmental protection fee pursuant to § 46-12.9-11. One cent ($0.01)per gallon shall be transferred to the Elderly/Disabled Transportation Programof the department of human services, and the remaining cents per gallon shallbe available for general revenue as determined by the following schedule:
(i) For the fiscal year 2000, three and one fourth cents($0.0325) shall be available for general revenue.
(ii) For the fiscal year 2001, one and three-fourth cents($0.0175) shall be available for general revenue.
(iii) For the fiscal year 2002, one-fourth cent ($0.0025)shall be available for general revenue.
(iv) For the fiscal year 2003, two and one-fourth cent($0.0225) shall be available for general revenue.
(v) For the months of July through April in fiscal year 2004,one and four-tenths cents ($0.014) shall be available for general revenue. Forthe months of May through June in fiscal year 2004, three and two-tenths cents($0.032) shall be available for general revenue, and thereafter, until fiscalyear 2006, two cents ($0.02) shall be available for general revenue. For fiscalyear 2006 through fiscal year 2009 one cent ($0.01) shall be available forgeneral revenue.
(2) All deposits and transfers of funds made by the taxadministrator under this section, including those to the Rhode Island publictransit authority, the department of human services and the general fund, shallbe made within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt or previous deposit of thefunds in question.
(3) Commencing in fiscal year 2004, the Director of the RhodeIsland Department of Transportation is authorized to remit, on a monthly orless frequent basis as shall be determined by the Director of the Rhode IslandDepartment of Transportation, or his or her designee, or at the election of theDirector of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation, with the approval ofthe Director of the Department of Administration, to an indenture trustee,administrator, or other third party fiduciary, in an amount not to exceed twocents ($0.02) per gallon of the gas tax imposed, in order to satisfy debtservice payments on aggregate bonds issued pursuant to a Joint Resolution andEnactment Approving the Financing of Various Department of TransportationProjects adopted during the 2003 session of the General Assembly, and approvedby the Governor.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to thecontrary, all other funds in the fund shall be dedicated to the department oftransportation, subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly. Thedirector of transportation shall submit to the general assembly, budget officeand office of the governor annually an accounting of all amounts deposited inand credited to the fund together with a budget for proposed expenditures forthe succeeding fiscal year in compliance with §§ 35-3-1 and 35-3-4.On order of the director of transportation, the state controller is authorizedand directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for thepayments of any sum or portion of the sum that may be required from time totime upon receipt of properly authenticated vouchers.
(c) At any time the amount of the fund is insufficient tofund the expenditures of the department of transportation, not to exceed theamount authorized by the general assembly, the general treasurer is authorized,with the approval of the governor and the director of administration, inanticipation of the receipts of monies enumerated in § 31-36-20 to advancesums to the fund, for the purposes specified in § 31-36-20, any funds ofthe state not specifically held for any particular purpose. However, all theadvances made to the fund shall be returned to the general fund immediatelyupon the receipt by the fund of proceeds resulting from the receipt of moniesto the extent of the advances.