§ 31-32-4 - Proof required under certain circumstances.
SECTION 31-32-4
§ 31-32-4 Proof required under certaincircumstances. (a) Whenever the license of any person is revoked pursuant to the provisions of§ 31-11-6, and whenever the division of motor vehicles, pursuant to theprovisions of § 31-11-7, suspends or revokes the license of an operator orchauffeur upon a showing by its records or other sufficient evidence that thelicensee has committed an offense for which mandatory revocation of license isrequired upon conviction, the division of motor vehicles shall suspend theregistration of all vehicles registered in the name of the person as owner.
(b) Whenever under any other law of this state the license ofany person is suspended or revoked by reason of a conviction or a forfeiture ofbail, the division of motor vehicles may suspend the registration of allvehicles registered in the name of the person as owner if the administrator ofthe division of motor vehicles finds that the public safety so requires;provided, that:
(1) If the owner has previously given or shall immediatelygive and maintain proof of financial responsibility for the future with respectto all vehicles registered by the person as the owner, the division of motorvehicles shall not suspend the registration unless otherwise required by law.
(2) If a conviction arose out of the operation, withpermission, of a vehicle owned by or leased to the United States, this state,or a municipality of it, the division of motor vehicles shall suspend or revokethe license only with respect to the operation of vehicles not so owned orleased and shall not suspend the registration of any vehicle so owned or leased.
(c) Whenever the license of any person is revoked pursuant tothe provisions of § 31-11-6, the administrator of the division of motorvehicles shall require that person to maintain proof of financialresponsibility for the future with respect to all vehicles registered by theperson or owner.
(2) Whenever the license of any person shall have beensuspended for having violated any provisions of the motor vehicle laws otherthan those enumerated in § 31-11-6, once within a period of twenty-four(24) calendar months, the administrator of the division of motor vehicles mayin his or her discretion require the person to maintain proof of financialresponsibility for the future with respect to all vehicles registered by theperson as the owner. Whenever the license of any person shall have beensuspended twice within a period of twenty-four (24) calendar months, theadministrator of the division of motor vehicles shall require the person tomaintain proof of financial responsibility for the future with respect to allvehicles registered by the person as the owner.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (c) of thissection, whenever the license of any person is suspended pursuant to theprovisions of § 31-27-2 or 31-27-2.1, the administrator of the division ofmotor vehicles shall require the person to maintain proof of financialresponsibility for three (3) years.