§ 31-3-86 - Special plate for Friends of Plum Beach Lighthouse, Inc.

SECTION 31-3-86

   § 31-3-86  Special plate for Friends ofPlum Beach Lighthouse, Inc. – (a) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles is empowered to makeavailable special motor vehicle registration plates for the not-for profitFriends of Plum Beach Lighthouse, Inc.

   (b) The special plate shall be displayed upon the sameregistration number assigned to the vehicle for which it was issued and shallbe used in place of and in the same manner as the registration plates issued tothe vehicle. The original registration plates for the vehicle shall be removedfrom the vehicle and the registration certificate for the plates shall becarried in the vehicle, in accordance with § 31-3-9. The registrationcertificate shall be in effect for the special plate.

   (c) Friends of Plum Beach Lighthouse, Inc. motor vehicleplates shall be the same size as regular motor vehicle plates and shall bedesigned by the Friends of Plum Beach Lighthouse, Inc. in conjunction with thedivision of motor vehicles, with the design approved by the Rhode Island statepolice.

   (d) Friends of Plum Beach Lighthouse, Inc. plates shall besubject to a minimum pre-paid order of at least nine hundred (900) plates.Friends of Plum Beach Lighthouse, Inc. plates shall not be issued unless theminimum order requirements are met.

   (e) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles shalldevelop application forms, pre-payment procedures and any other proceduresdeemed necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

   (f) In addition to the regular prescribed motor vehicleregistration fee, Friends of Plum Beach Lighthouse, Inc. plates shall besubject to a forty dollar ($40.00) issuance surcharge.

   (g) The forty dollar ($40.00) issuance surcharge shall beallocated as follows: twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be allocated to the generalfund and the remaining twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be distributed annually tothe Friends of Plum Beach Lighthouse, Inc. to assist in the fiscal needsrequired to maintain and protect this historic site for all to enjoy, and tocontinue in the fostering of the Friends of Plum Beach Lighthouse's, Inc.presence as an asset to Rhode Island's economic growth and prosperity. (Thedistribution to the Friends of Plum Beach Lighthouse, Inc. shall be placed in arestricted account and shall be paid to the Friends of Plum Beach Lighthouse,Inc.)

   (h) The Friends of Plum Beach Lighthouse, Inc. will berequired to submit an annual financial statement before such monies aredistributed.

   (i) There shall be no refunds for early cancellation ofFriends of Plum Beach Lighthouse, Inc. plates.