§ 31-3-80 - Reserve Forces plates.
SECTION 31-3-80
§ 31-3-80 Reserve Forces plates. (a) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles is empowered andauthorized to make available to all active and retired members of the UnitedStates Reserve Forces of Rhode Island a special motor vehicle registrationplate for any motor vehicle eligible for registration as an automobile or acommercial vehicle having a gross weight of eight thousand five hundred pounds(8,500 lbs.) or less.
(b) The special motor vehicle registration plate shall carryon it the designation "US Reserve Forces" and shall carry on it the titles,(Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard) arranged on the left hand sideof the plate from top to bottom in this order of precedence, with numerals tothe right of the titles.
(c) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles shallissue the plate upon payment of a service charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) anda transfer charge of five dollars ($5.00) for the plate. All revenues shall bedeposited as general revenues.
(d) For the purposes of this section an active or retiredmember of the United States Reserve Forces shall be defined as currentlyserving or having retired under honorable conditions from any of the ReserveForces other than the Rhode Island Army or Air National Guard.
(e) In a national state of emergency, any active member ofthe United States Reserve Forces driving a vehicle bearing the special motorvehicle registration plate shall be authorized and empowered to travel upon thehighways of the state notwithstanding any driving ban imposed by any state ormunicipal authority.
(f) No US Reserve Forces plates shall be issued until atleast nine hundred (900) such plates have been ordered.