§ 31-3-78 - Special plate for Rotary International.

SECTION 31-3-78

   § 31-3-78  Special plate for RotaryInternational. – (a) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles is empowered to makeavailable to the owners of private passenger motor vehicles who are members ofRotary Club International, District 7950, State of Rhode Island, special motorvehicle registration plates.

   (b) The special plate shall be displayed upon the sameregistration number assigned to the vehicle for which it was issued and shallbe used in place of and in the same manner as the registration plates issued tothe vehicle. The original registration plates for the vehicle shall be removedfrom the vehicle and the registration certificate for the plates shall becarried in the vehicle, in accordance with § 31-3-9. The registrationcertificate shall be in effect for the special plate.

   (c) Rotary Club motor vehicle plates shall be the same sizeas regular motor vehicle plates and shall be designed by the Rotary Club inconjunction with the division of motor vehicles.

   (d) Rotary Club plates shall be subject to a minimum pre-paidorder of at least three hundred and sixty (360) plates. Rotary Club platesshall not be issued unless the minimum order requirements are met.

   (e) The administrator of motor vehicles shall developapplication forms, pre-payment procedures and any other procedures deemednecessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

   (f) In addition to the regular prescribed motor vehicleregistration fee, Rotary Club plates shall be subject to a one-time fiftydollar ($50.00) issuance surcharge.