§ 31-3-60 - Alternative design plates.
SECTION 31-3-60
§ 31-3-60 Alternative design plates. (a) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles is empowered andauthorized to make available to every owner of a motor vehicle eligible forregistration as an automobile or commercial vehicle plates designated as"alternative design" upon application on proper forms furnished by theadministrator of the division of motor vehicles. The alternative plates shalldisplay upon them the same registration number assigned to the vehicle forwhich it was issued and shall be used in place of and in the same manner as theregistration plates issued to the vehicle for the period the registrationremains active. Upon issuance of said alternative plates, the originalregistration plates for the vehicle shall be removed from the vehicle andreturned to the division of motor vehicles for destruction.
(b) The alternative plates shall be designed as follows:
(1) White reflective background;
(2) Top border shall be red stripes except the words "RhodeIsland" which shall be solid red;
(3) Letters and numbers shall be blue;
(4) Bottom border shall be blue stripes with thirteen (13)white stars;
(5) On the bottom above the border the words "Ocean State" inblue except commercial plates which shall have the word "Commercial" in placeof the words "Ocean State";
(6) Background shall contain the picture of a sailboat andwater in grey.
(c) The applicant shall be required to pay a service chargeof twenty dollars ($20.00) for the plate.
(d) The owner of a motor vehicle eligible for registration asan automobile that is issued alternative plates shall continue to pay theappropriate automobile registration fee for the plates. The owner of a motorvehicle eligible for registration as a commercial vehicle that is issuedalternative plates shall continue to pay the appropriate commercialregistration fee for the plates pursuant to § 31-3-11.