§ 31-3-6.2 - List of vehicles and licenses on which court costs owed delinquent Denial of renewal of registration and licenses.
SECTION 31-3-6.2
§ 31-3-6.2 List of vehicles and licenseson which court costs owed delinquent Denial of renewal of registrationand licenses. (a) The administrator/division of motor vehicles shall furnish to the StateCourt Administrator a listing showing the names, addresses and social securitynumbers of persons whose operator's license and/or motor vehicle registrationis subject to renewal within ninety (90) days. If within ninety (90) days priorto the renewal date the state court administrator determines that any personseeking to renew his/her operator's license and/or registration has neglectedor refused to pay any cash assistance benefit overpayments, court costs owed,fines owed, obligations owed or restitution owed, as such terms are defined in§ 44-30.1-1, the state court administrator shall send a written notice tosuch person informing him/her of the state court administrator's intention toinform the division of motor vehicles not to renew the person's operatorlicense and/or motor vehicle registration and of the procedures available tothe person to contest the determination. For the purposes of this section, theterms cash assistance benefit overpayments, court costs owed, fines owed,obligations owed or restitution owed by a debtor as defined in §44-30.1-1, are referred to as "costs owed".
(b) Within twenty-one (21) days from the date of such notice,the licensee or registrant may request, in writing, a conference with the statecourt administrator or his/her designee, in order to show proof of payment ofall costs owed or for the purpose of entering into a time payment agreement forthe delinquent costs owed satisfactory to the state court administrator.
(c) If upon the expiration of twenty-one (21) days from thedate of the notice to the licensee or registrant or, if a conference has beenrequested, after a conference has been held, the licensee or registrant has notdemonstrated to the satisfaction of the state court administrator that he/shehas paid all required costs owed or that the licensee or registrant has notentered into time payment arrangement satisfactory to the state courtadministrator, the state court administrator shall notify theadministrator/division of motor vehicles that the licensee or registrant isdelinquent in paying costs owed. The state court administrator shall send acopy of the notification to the licensee or registrant.
(d) The administrator/division of motor vehicles shall notrenew any operator's license or registration upon expiration thereof until allcosts owed have been paid in full or the licensee or registrant has enteredinto a time payment agreement satisfactory to the state court administrator.
(e) If the licensee thereafter files an overdue return and/orremits past taxes due or enters into a satisfactory time payment agreement withrespect to any and all returns due and taxes payable, the tax administratorshall, within five (5) business days of a licensee's request, provide theappropriate agency or authority the certificate of good standing specified in§ 5-76-5. Within five (5) business days of receiving such a certificate,the agency or authority shall reinstate, reissue, renew or otherwise extend thelicensee's license.