§ 31-3-46 - P.O.W. plates.
SECTION 31-3-46
§ 31-3-46 P.O.W. plates. The administrator of the division of motor vehicles shall issue platesdesignated as "Ex-P.O.W." upon application on proper forms furnished by theadministrator of the division of motor vehicles to former prisoners of war(P.O.W.) of World Wars I and II, the Korean conflict, and Vietnam conflict. Theplates may be issued for any motor vehicle eligible for registration as anautomobile, or a commercial vehicle having a gross weight of ten thousandpounds (10,000 lbs) or less. The applicant shall not be required to pay aregistration fee or service charge for the plate. Upon the death of the holderof any P.O.W. plates, the plates shall be transferred to his or her survivingspouse for the spouse's lifetime until he or she remarries.