§ 31-3-40 - Special use identification tags.
SECTION 31-3-40
§ 31-3-40 Special use identification tags. (a) A new car dealer or used car dealer may apply to the administrator of thedivision of motor vehicles for special use identification tags for use onvehicles sold by him or her pending the registration of the vehicles, andprovided that all vehicles upon which special use identification tags are to beused conform to the standards for general safety. Special use identificationtags shall be of a size and type determined by the administrator of thedivision of motor vehicles, and shall be sold to dealers in packs of ten (10)plates per pack upon payment of two hundred dollars ($200) per pack.
(b) Special use certificates and special use identificationtags may be used on a vehicle sold by the dealer to a resident or nonresident.The special use certificate and special use identification tags shall be validfor no more than twenty (20) days including the date of delivery of thecertificate and tags by the dealer, and no dealer or any other person shallextend the expiration date thereof, nor shall any person other than theadministrator of the division of motor vehicles issue another similarcertificate or tag. The special certificate shall be carried in the vehiclebearing the special use identification tags whenever the vehicle is beingoperated on a public highway. Special use identification tags shall bedisplayed in the same manner as required in this chapter for the display ofregistration plates. Upon the removal of special use identification tags from avehicle, they shall be destroyed immediately by the person to whom issued orhis or her agent.
(c) Upon the issuance of a special use certificate andspecial use identification tags, the dealer shall prepare the special usecertificate in triplicate and shall print or type all of the informationrequired on the certificate. The dealer shall imprint legibly with a rubberdate stamp, in black ink, upon the special use identification tag, the date ofexpiration of the tag in letters and numerals not less than one inch (1") inheight, nor less than one-fourth of an inch ( 1/4") in width. The special useidentification tag shall also contain the vehicle identification number of thecar on which it is displayed and the dealer's identification number. Theoriginal copy of the special use certificate shall be given to the person namedin the certificate. The duplicate copy shall become the notice required bysubsection (d) of this section. The third copy shall be held in the dealer'sfiles and shall be exhibited upon demand of the administrator of the divisionof motor vehicles or of any peace officer.
(d) Notice of delivery of the special use certificate andspecial use identification tags shall be mailed to the administrator of thedivision of motor vehicles not later than the next business day after delivery.
(e) In the event that a dealer goes out of business, ortransfers his or her business to any other person, firm, or corporation, thedealer shall return to the administrator of the division of motor vehicleswithin five (5) days all special use certificates and special useidentification tags held by him or her.
(f) No dealer shall make any use of special use certificatesor special use identification tags except in accordance with the provisions ofthis section.
(g) Violations of this section are subject to finesenumerated in § 31-41.1-4.