§ 31-3-39 - Amateur radio operator plates.
SECTION 31-3-39
§ 31-3-39 Amateur radio operator plates. The administrator of the division of motor vehicles shall issue for any motorvehicle eligible for registration as an automobile or eligible for registrationas a commercial vehicle and having a gross weight of nine thousand (9,000)pounds or less for the motor vehicle of a radio amateur, other than a novice,licensed by the federal communications commission, as long as he or she shallremain so licensed, and such registration plates as issued shall identify theregistrant by the station and operator "call sign" assigned to him or her bythe federal communications commission. This issuance of special plates shall bein accordance with the statutory requirements relating to the registration ofmotor vehicles and upon the payment of the regular registration fee.Application for the special plates shall be made in advance and upon thespecial form or forms as the administrator of the division of motor vehiclesshall designate.