§ 31-3-31 - Registration of farm vehicles.
SECTION 31-3-31
§ 31-3-31 Registration of farm vehicles. (a) Farm vehicles, as defined in § 31-1-8, equipped with rubber tireswhile being used in farming and operated on highways shall be registered on aform furnished by the administrator of the division of motor vehicles and shallbe assigned a special number plate with a suitable symbol or letter indicatingthe usage of the farm vehicle. The use of the number plates shall be confinedto the period of one year.
(b) The director of the department of revenue shallpromulgate rules and regulations for the inspection of farm vehicles.
(c) Farm plates may not be utilized on: (1) vehicles eligiblefor registration as private passenger automobiles; provided, however, that anyvehicle eligible for registration as a private passenger and registered withfarm plates prior to July 1, 2002, may continue to be registered with farmplates by the owner to whom the farm plates were issued; or (2) on any vehiclethat is not a farm vehicle as defined in § 31-1-8.
(d) Farm plates may be displayed on vehicles used in thedelivery of agricultural products produced by the farmer; however, farm platesshall not be displayed on vehicles used for deliveries by persons, as definedin § 31-1-17(g), that do not raise agricultural products.