§ 31-3-3 - Application for registration.

SECTION 31-3-3

   § 31-3-3  Application for registration.– Every owner of a vehicle subject to registration under this chapter shall applyto the division of motor vehicles for the registration of it using theappropriate form or forms furnished by the division of motor vehicles. Everyapplication shall bear the signature of the owner written with pen and ink andthe signature shall be acknowledged by the owner before a person authorized toadminister oaths and the application shall contain:

   (a) The name, city or town of bona fide residence, actualresidence address and mail address of the owner as appearing on the owner'smotor vehicle operator's license or state identification card issued pursuantto the provisions of chapter 8 of title 3, or business address of the owner ifa firm, association, or if a corporation, the name of the city or town in whichthe vehicle is physically and primarily housed. For purposes of this section"physically and primarily housed" is defined as that city or town in which thevehicle is housed for a period or periods of time greater than in any othercity or town in the state of Rhode Island. The division of motor vehicles maysubstitute other indicators of residence when necessary.

   (b) A description of the vehicle, including, insofar as thisspecified data may exist with respect to a given vehicle, the make, model, typeof body, the number of cylinders, the serial number of the vehicle, and theengine or other number of the vehicle. In the event a vehicle is designed,constructed, converted, or rebuilt for the transportation of property, theapplication shall include a statement of its capacity in terms of maximum grossvehicle weight rating as authorized by the manufacturer of the chassis or thecomplete vehicle.

   (c) A statement whether liability insurance is carried on thevehicle, and, if there is liability insurance, the name of the carrier, policynumber, and effective dates of the policy.

   (d) Any further information as may reasonably be required bythe division of motor vehicles to enable it to determine whether the vehicle islawfully entitled to registration.

   (e) The exact mileage reading from the motor vehicle on thedate of application.