§ 31-3-2 - Vehicles subject to registration.
SECTION 31-3-2
§ 31-3-2 Vehicles subject to registration. Every motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, pole trailer, motorized camper,tent trailer, travel trailer, pick-up coach and pick-up camper, owned by aresident of this state when operated or drawn upon a highway within this statefor a period of thirty (30) days shall be subject to the registrationprovisions of chapters 3 9 of this title except:
(a) Any vehicle operated upon a highway in conformance withthe provisions of the chapters relating to manufacturers, transporters,dealers, lien holders, or nonresidents;
(b) Any vehicle which is operated upon a highway only for thepurpose of crossing the highway but not along the highway from one property toanother;
(c) Any farm vehicle whether or not of a type otherwisesubject to registration under this chapter which is only incidentally operatedupon a highway;
(d) Any special mobile equipment as defined in § 31-1-9;
(e) Any vehicle which is propelled exclusively by electricpower obtained from overhead trolley wires though not operated upon rails.