§ 31-3-18 - Display of plates Penalties.
SECTION 31-3-18
§ 31-3-18 Display of plates Penalties. (a) Registration plates issued for a motor vehicle other than a motorcycle,trailer, transporter vehicle, in-transit vehicle, or a bailee engaged in abusiness as defined in § 31-1-17(a), or other than a motor vehicle ownedby a duly authorized dealer in motor vehicles and which is used in the dealer'sbusiness shall be attached thereto one in the front and the other in the rear.The registration plate issued for a motorcycle, trailer, bailee, or a dealer'smotor vehicle as defined in this subsection shall be attached to the rear ofthe vehicle.
(b) Every registration plate shall at all times be securelyfastened in a horizontal position to the vehicle for which it is issued so asto prevent the plate from swinging at a height of not less than twelve inches(12") from the ground, measuring from the bottom of the plate; in a place andposition to be clearly visible and shall be maintained free from foreignmaterials and in a condition to be clearly legible.
(c) Penalties. Any person who shall violate theprovisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation and subject to a fineas enumerated in § 31-41.1-4.
(d) All vehicles registered as passenger, commercial,trailer, motorcycle, suburban, farm, combination, taxi, radio operator, camper,public, racer tow, jitney, and antique must have displayed on them theregistration plate(s) as described in § 31-3-11. This subsection does notapply to those registrants in possession of an alternative design plate asdescribed in § 31-3-60 or any other specially authorized plate describedin this chapter.