§ 31-3.1-16 - Issuance of new certificate.
SECTION 31-3.1-16
§ 31-3.1-16 Issuance of new certificate. (a) The division of motor vehicles, upon receipt of a properly assignedcertificate of title, with an application for a new certificate of title, therequired fee and any other documents and articles required by law, shall issuea new certificate of title in the name of the transferee as owner and mail itto the first lienholder named in it or, if none, to the owner.
(b) The division of motor vehicles upon receipt of anapplication for a new certificate of title by a transferee other than byvoluntary transfer, with proof of the transfer, the required fee and any otherdocuments and articles required by law, shall issue a new certificate of titlein the name of the transferee as owner. If the outstanding certificate of titleis not delivered to it, the division of motor vehicles shall make demand forthe certificate from its holder.
(c) The division of motor vehicles shall file and retain forfive (5) years every surrendered certificate of title, the file to bemaintained so as to permit the tracing of title of the vehicle designated in it.