§ 31-3.1-11 - Lost, stolen or mutilated certificates.
SECTION 31-3.1-11
§ 31-3.1-11 Lost, stolen or mutilatedcertificates. (a) If a certificate of title is lost, stolen, mutilated, destroyed, or becomesillegible, the first lienholder or, if none, the owner or legal representativeof the owner named in the certificate, as shown by the records of the divisionof motor vehicles, shall promptly apply for and may obtain a duplicate uponfurnishing information satisfactory to the division of motor vehicles and pay afifty dollar ($50.00) fee. The duplicate certificate of title shall contain thelegend "this is a duplicate certificate and may be subject to the rights of aperson under the original certificate." It shall be mailed to the firstlienholder named in it or, if none, to the owner.
(b) The division of motor vehicles shall not issue acertificate of title to a transferee upon application made on a duplicate untilfifteen (15) days after receipt of the application.
(c) A person recovering an original certificate of title forwhich a duplicate has been issued shall promptly surrender the originalcertificate to the division of motor vehicles.
(d) A person applying for a duplicate title may designate anautomobile dealer as the designated recipient of the duplicate title provided,that there is no current lien holder and the applicant/owner signs an affidavitstating that the vehicle has been sold or traded to the dealer in such form asdesignated by the administrator of the division of motor vehicles.