§ 31-27-4.1 - Eluding a law enforcement officer with a motor vehicle in a high speed pursuit.

SECTION 31-27-4.1

   § 31-27-4.1  Eluding a law enforcementofficer with a motor vehicle in a high speed pursuit. – Any person who in an attempt to elude or flee from a police officer in anemergency police vehicle in a high speed pursuit of the person, operates amotor vehicle at speeds greater than fifteen (15) miles per hour over the speedlimit, or who causes property damage only in excess of one thousand dollars($1,000):

   (1) For the first conviction, may be subject to the followingsanctions:

   (i) Up to one year incarceration at the adult correctioninstitutions (A.C.I.) and a fine of five hundred dollars ($500) but not morethan one thousand dollars ($1,000);

   (ii) License suspension of not less than ninety (90) days butnot more than six (6) months and forfeiture of the motor vehicle.

   (2) For a second or subsequent conviction, the person shall:

   (i) Be sentenced to two (2) years at the A.C.I., but not morethan five (5) years;

   (ii) Be fined a fine of two thousand dollars ($2,000) but notmore than five thousand dollars ($5,000);

   (iii) Receive a license suspension of not less than one yearbut not more than five (5) years; and

   (iv) Forfeit the motor vehicle.