§ 31-25-21 - Power to permit excess size or weight of loads.
SECTION 31-25-21
§ 31-25-21 Power to permit excess size orweight of loads. (a) The department of transportation, with respect to highways under itsjurisdiction may, in its discretion, upon application in writing and good causebeing shown for it, approve the issuance of a special permit in writing by thedivision of motor vehicles authorizing the applicant to operate or move avehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or loadexceeding eighty thousand pounds (80,000 lbs.) or otherwise not in conformitywith the provisions of chapters 1 27 of this title upon any highwayunder the jurisdiction of the party granting the permit and for the maintenanceof which the party is responsible. Permits which have been issued for a fullyear shall not be required to be renewed for the period of time for whichpayment has been made and the application and other required documentation hasbeen completed and filed. Provided, that neither the department oftransportation nor the local authorities may approve the issuance of permitsfor divisible loads weighing in excess of one hundred four thousand-eighthundred pounds (104,800 lbs.), gross vehicle weight, for five (5) axle vehiclesand seventy-six thousand six hundred fifty pounds (76,650 lbs.), gross vehicleweight, for three (3) axle vehicles.
(b) The director of the department of transportation mayenter into agreements with other states, the District of Columbia and Canadianprovinces providing for the reciprocal enforcement of the overweight orover-dimensional vehicle permit laws of those jurisdictions entering into theagreement.
(c) Trip permit fee. A fee of twenty dollars ($20.00)shall be paid to the division of motor vehicles for the issuance of eachnon-reducible vehicle or load permit.
(d) Annual fee. A fee of three hundred dollars ($300)paid to the division of motor vehicles shall exempt the payor from thenecessity of paying trip permit fees as found in subsection (c) of thissection. However, payment of the fee shall not be deemed to authorizenon-compliance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the department oftransportation entitled "State of Rhode Island Manual for Overweight andOversize Vehicle Permits".
(e) Blanket construction equipment permits may be issued, asdetermined by the department of transportation, for intrastate movement ofnon-reducible loads upon payment of the fee set forth in subsection (d) of thissection. The duration of the blanket permit may not exceed one year, and theconstruction equipment permit load shall be limited to a minimum overall lengthof fifty-five feet (55'), a maximum overall length of eighty feet (80'), and amaximum width of twelve feet four inches (12' 4"), provided that neither thedivision of motor vehicles, nor local authorities may issue blanket permits fornon-divisible loads weighing in excess of one hundred thirty thousand pounds(130,000 lbs.) on less than six (6) axles, with individual axle weightsexceeding twenty-five thousand pounds (25,000 lbs.); provided, further, thatthe department of transportation, with respect to highways under itsjurisdictions, may in its discretion and upon application and for good causeshown approve the issuance of a special trip permit authorizing the applicantto exceed one hundred thirty thousand pounds (130,000 lbs.) for non-divisibleloads. A flashing amber light shall be in operation above the highest point ofthe vehicle and shall be visible from both the front and rear of the vehicle;and signs and red warning flags shall be affixed to all extremities. Allblanket permits issued in accordance with this section shall be effectiveduring daylight and night-time hours, for all over dimensional moves made andtravel shall be allowed on state highways. The following restrictions on traveltimes shall apply to:
No travel will be allowed between the hours of 7:00 am and9:00 am or between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm on any day of the week.
No travel will be allowed between the hours of 7:00 am and9:00 am or between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Memorial Day, Victory Day, Labor Day & Columbus Day NoSaturday, Sunday or Monday day or night travel.
Thanksgiving Day No Wednesday night or Thursdayday or night travel. No travel on Wednesday through Sunday of Thanksgiving weekin any calendar year.
Independence Day, Veterans Day, Christmas Day No dayor night travel and no travel the previous night.
Easter Sunday. No Saturday night or Sunday travel.
(f) Construction equipment blanket permits shall not begranted for travel over the following bridges:
Blackstone River Viaduct 750 carrying I-295 northbound andsouthbound over the Blackstone River;
Kingston Road Bridge No. 403 carrying I-95 northbound andsouthbound over Kingston Road.
(g) Travel of blanket permitted construction equipmentthrough zones with reductions in lane width such as construction zones will notbe allowed. Prior to travel, blanket permit holders are responsible to verifythe location of construction zones and lane width reductions. Locations of lanewidth reduction zones are available through the state department oftransportation's construction office.