§ 31-25-10 - Fastening of load and covering.
SECTION 31-25-10
§ 31-25-10 Fastening of load and covering. (a) No person shall operate on any highway any vehicle with any load unless theload and any covering on it is securely fastened so as to prevent the coveringor load from becoming loose, detached, or in any manner a hazard to other usersof the highway.
(b) No motor truck trailer or semitrailer which is used forthe purpose of hauling logs, pulpwood, lumber, or other materials which bytheir very nature may shift or roll so as to be likely to fall from thevehicle, shall be operated or moved over any highway unless its load issecurely fastened to the vehicle by chains, cables, or other approved devicesas will effectively prevent the shifting of the load or any part of it fallingfrom the vehicle. The ends of the chains, cables, or other devices and any tirechains shall be tied securely, whether the vehicle is loaded or unloaded, sothat loose ends shall not endanger pedestrians or other vehicles encountered onthe highway.
(c) This section shall not be construed to include a trucktransporting lumber, wood, or sawmill wastes, when transported in a box typebody with solid sides, provided that the truck is not loaded higher than itsside-boards.
(d) A person who violates the provisions of this sectionshall be fined:
(1) Not more than one hundred dollars ($100) for the firstviolation; and
(2) Not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more thanfive hundred dollars ($500) for any subsequent violations.
(e) No person shall operate a motor truck or other vehiclecarrying or transporting any rubbish, refuse, or other debris on any highwaywithout first securely fastening a covering on it to prevent the contents fromfalling to the highway. No person shall operate on any highway any vehicle withany load unless the load and any covering on it is securely fastened so as toprevent that covering or load from becoming loose, detached, or in any manner ahazard to other users of the highway.
(f) No person shall operate an open motor truck or othersimilar vehicle while carrying or transporting any child under sixteen (16)years of age without securely fastening the child to prevent them from becomingloose or detached in any manner.