§ 31-24-54 - Strobe lights on school buses.
SECTION 31-24-54
§ 31-24-54 Strobe lights on school buses. All new school buses, as defined in § 31-1-3(t), shall at all times beequipped with a rear-viewing, rear-mounted white flashing strobe light, meetingthe following requirements:
(1) A white flashing strobe light will be installed on theroof of a school bus; at a point not to exceed one-third (1/3) the body lengthforward from the rear of the roof edge;
(2) The strobe light will have a single clear lens emittinglight three hundred sixty (360) degrees around its vertical axis and may notextend above the roof more than maximum legal height;
(3) The light will not exceed nine inches (9") in height ornine inches (9") in diameter;
(4) A manual switch and a pilot light will be included toindicate when light is in operation;
(5) The strobe light will be wired to activate with the amberalternately flashing signal lamps, continuing through the full loading orunloading cycle, with an override switch. The strobe light shall not beactivated while the bus is moving; and
(6) Violations of this section are subject to finesenumerated in § 31-41.1-4.