§ 31-24-31 - Flashing lights Forward viewing or rotary beam lights.
SECTION 31-24-31
§ 31-24-31 Flashing lights Forwardviewing or rotary beam lights. (a) Flashing lights are prohibited, except on an authorized emergency vehicle,school bus, snow removal equipment, or on any vehicle as a means for indicatinga right or left turn. However, the requirements of § 31-24-33 shall bedeemed to be satisfied if the vehicle is equipped with lamps at the frontmounted at the same level, displaying simultaneously flashing white or amberlights, and at the rear mounted at the same level, and displayingsimultaneously flashing red lights, all of which lights shall be visible from adistance of not less than five hundred feet (500').
(b) Forward viewing or rotating beam lights may be installedon and shall be restricted to the following categories of vehicles, and theselights shall be of color designated:
(1) Emergency response vehicles of any fire, rescue, orambulance department, fire chiefs, assistant fire chiefs, deputy chiefs,captains; any privately owned vehicle of any authorized volunteer member of afire, rescue, or ambulance department; emergency management agency directors,assistant directors, assistant medical examiners and/or forensic pathologistsof the office of state medical examiners; rescue vehicles, emergency responsevehicles of the department of environmental management and the division ofstate fire marshal; school buses; hospital emergency response vehicles; and two(2) American Red Cross disaster vehicles: Red, white and/or alternatingflashing white;
(2) Wrecker trucks, service station trucks, state and townsafety and maintenance vehicles; snowplows and tractors; light company trucks,telephone company trucks, water company trucks, oil company trucks, and otherutilities' trucks; vehicles of television, radio and press photographers; ruralmail carriers; all motor-propelled vehicles owned by the Northern Rhode IslandREACT (radio emergency associated citizens team); all motor-propelled vehiclesowned by or under contract to the Rhode Island department of transportationwhen on official state business; and vehicles marking the beginning and end offuneral processions: Amber, provided, however, that wrecker and transportationvehicles operated pursuant to a public utilities commission license, androadside assistance vehicles of any type operated for that purpose by theAmerican Automobile Association shall be permitted to use flashing amber lightsat the front and rear of the vehicle, to be activated only in the course ofproviding assistance to or transportation for a disabled vehicle.
(3) Police units, state and local: Center rotating beamlights: Blue or red; Outboard mounted lights: Blue or red.
(4) Violations of this section are subject to finesenumerated in § 31-41.1-4.