§ 31-22-11.9 - Use of cell phones by minors while operating motor vehicles prohibited.
SECTION 31-22-11.9
§ 31-22-11.9 Use of cell phones by minorswhile operating motor vehicles prohibited. (a) The use of a cell phone by a minor while said minor is operating a motorvehicle shall be prohibited, except in the case of an emergency. For purposesof this section, the term "minor" shall include any person less than eighteen(18) years of age.
(b) Any person who violates any of the provisions ofsubsection (a) of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine offifty dollars ($50.00).
(c) For a second conviction under this section a person shallbe punished by a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00).
(d) For a third or subsequent conviction a person shall bepunished by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100) and/or loss of license untilthe user reaches his/her eighteenth (18th) birthday.