§ 31-22-11.3 - Random inspection of school buses.
SECTION 31-22-11.3
§ 31-22-11.3 Random inspection of schoolbuses. (a) The division of motor vehicles, and state and local law enforcementofficers, are authorized to stop and conduct a visual inspection of any schoolbus as defined in 31-1-3(v), on public roads and highways and in public andprivate parking areas. The random inspections shall be conducted at a time whenno school children are on the school bus. Nothing in this section shallpreclude a law enforcement officer from stopping a school bus which istransporting children for any visible violation of applicable safety standards.Whenever a law enforcement officer stops a school bus, he or she shall verifythat the vehicle identification number (VIN) listed on the registration card isthe same as the VIN listed on the body of the bus.
(b) Any federal or state employee authorized to stop andinspect trucks on the highways or roads of this state is authorized to conductinspections of any school bus.
(c) Any school bus found to be in violation of applicablelaws and/or regulations may be immediately impounded, and notification shall besent to the registered owner, the school superintendent and the schoolcommittee for which the bus transports children. The bus shall not be used totransport children until the violation is cured and the bus is inspected by astate employed or state certified inspector.