§ 31-21.2-5 - Law enforcement practices.

SECTION 31-21.2-5

   § 31-21.2-5  Law enforcement practices.– (a) Unless there exists reasonable suspicion or probable cause of criminalactivity, no motor vehicle stopped for a traffic violation shall be detainedbeyond the time needed to address the violation. Nothing contained herein shallprohibit the detention of a motor vehicle for a reasonable period of time forthe arrival of a canine unit or subsequent criminal investigation, if there isreasonable suspicion or probable cause of criminal activity.

   (b) No operator or owner-passenger of a motor vehicle shallbe requested to consent to a search by a law enforcement officer of his or hermotor vehicle which is stopped solely for a traffic violation, unless thereexists reasonable suspicion or probable cause of criminal activity.

   (c) Any evidence obtained as a result of a search prohibitedby subsection (a) or (b) shall be inadmissible in any judicial proceeding.Nothing contained herein shall be construed to preclude any search otherwisebased upon any legally sufficient cause.

   (d) Law enforcement agencies using video and/or audiosurveillance cameras in their vehicles shall adopt written policies andprocedures regarding the use of such cameras, which shall be public records.

   (e) The policies and procedures established by this sectionshall be added to, and prominently placed in, all relevant departmental policyand training manuals. Other appropriate training about the requirements of thischapter shall also be provided to all officers.