§ 31-2-23 - Denial of license or registrations for nonpayment of delinquent child support.

SECTION 31-2-23

   § 31-2-23  Denial of license orregistrations for nonpayment of delinquent child support. – (a) The department of human services, child support enforcement shallperiodically within each year furnish the division of motor vehicles,department of revenue with a list or compilation of names of individuals,together with such other identifying information and in such form as theadministrator of the division of motor vehicles shall require, who as of thedate of the list or compilation, have an unpaid child support order arrearagein excess of five hundred dollars ($500) as shown on the Rhode Island familycourt/department of human services, child support enforcement computer system("CSE system"). For purposes of this section, the terms used in this sectionshall be given the meaning and definitions specified in § 15-16-2. Thedepartment of human services shall, at times and in the manner prescribed bythe administrator of the division of motor vehicles, furnish to the division ofmotor vehicles information relating to the subsequent payment of those childsupport order arrearages by or on behalf of the individuals, and the divisionshall remove the name of the individual(s) from the list.

   (b) No individual whose name appears on the list orcompilation referred to in subsection (a) of this section, and whose name hasnot been subsequently removed from the list, shall be permitted to (1) registeror renew a registration of any motor vehicle and/or (2) obtain an originallicense or renewal of a license to operate a motor vehicle, until all childsupport order arrearages have been paid in full or a satisfactory arrangementfor payment has been made with the family court, and payment has been certifiedto the division of motor vehicles by the department of human services, childsupport enforcement.

   (c) The identifying information furnished by the departmentof human services, child support enforcement to the division of motor vehiclesshall not include individuals' social security numbers.

   (d) A refusal by the division of motor vehicles to registeror renew a registration of any motor vehicle and/or issue an original licenseor renew a license to operate a motor vehicle is a final determination forpurposes of chapter 35 of title 42.

   [See § 12-1-15 of the General Laws.]