§ 31-19-2.1 - Helmets required on bicycle operators, bicycle passengers, skateboarders, rollerskaters, inline skaters, and scooter riders ages fifteen (15) and younger.

SECTION 31-19-2.1

   § 31-19-2.1  Helmets required on bicycleoperators, bicycle passengers, skateboarders, rollerskaters, inline skaters,and scooter riders ages fifteen (15) and younger. – Any person fifteen (15) years of age or younger who is operating or who is apassenger on a bicycle or who is using or operating a skateboard, rollerskates,scooter or inline skates on a public highway, bicycle trail or path, shared usepath, park and/or recreational area, school property or on any other publicright of way shall wear a helmet. The helmet shall fit the person's head andshall be secured to the person's head by straps while the person is operatingthe bicycle, skateboard, scooter, rollerskates or inline skates. The helmetshall meet the standards for helmets established by the United States ConsumerProduct Safety Commission (CPSC) or subsequent standards. In no event shallfailure to wear a helmet be considered as contributory or comparativenegligence, nor shall the failure to wear a helmet be admissible as evidence inthe trial of any civil action.