§ 31-19-12 - Bicycles on sidewalks and crosswalks – Rights and duties.

SECTION 31-19-12

   § 31-19-12  Bicycles on sidewalks andcrosswalks – Rights and duties. – A person propelling a vehicle by human power or operating an electric personalassistive mobility device ("EPAMD") upon and along a sidewalk, or across aroadway upon and along a crosswalk, shall be granted all the rights and shallbe subject to all the duties applicable to a pedestrian under the samecircumstances; provided, however, that a person riding an electric personalassistive mobility device ("EPAMD") on a sidewalk or a bicycle path or trailshall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians or give an audible signal beforeovertaking any passing pedestrian. Pedestrians using an EPAMD shall exercise ahigh degree of care when passing a pedestrian using a wheelchair, walker orother mobility aid and only pass when the width of the sidewalk exceeds five(5) feet. For purposes of this section electric personal assistive mobilitydevices ("EPAMD") and electric motorized bicycles shall be prohibited fromsidewalks and crosswalks in the town of New Shoreham.