§ 31-19.3-1 - Purpose.
SECTION 31-19.3-1
§ 31-19.3-1 Purpose. The general assembly recognizes the importance of establishing procedures andstandards for the supervision and regulation of the rental of motorizedbicycles, motor scooters and motorized tricycles in the town of New Shoreham.The establishment of these procedures and standards is declared to be areasonable exercise of the police power of the general assembly and necessaryto afford protection against the increasing number and severity of accidentsinvolving motorized bicycles, motor scooters and motorized tricycles, thenoise, and the traffic congestion that their presence creates within the town.The general assembly further declares that it is in the interest of the publichealth, safety, and welfare that the rental of motorized bicycles, motorscooters and motorized tricycles in the town of New Shoreham be supervised,regulated, and controlled in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.